What unfolds for the World’s financial markets in the next one month upon Biden’s victory?
OUTLOOK (The Star)
Renewed hope and faith abound. The Star indicates this sense of purpose in the way forward not just for America, but for the World. After all, much of the World’s trade and economic balance largely lies in how well this country is faring, and how the USD$ holds up. We can perhaps expect the markets to surge over the longer term, but be aware that the Star also warns us there are signs of challenges ahead with this sense of renewed faith and hope. We can expect some moments of bullishness, one must also anticipate the bears are still around, what with the situation of the entire World at hand. The Star is also associated to the Air element…so those interested, pay close attention to the Air related industries fo example tech stocks, communications infrastructure, space related, data-related, humanitarian-related segments. (Don’t say boh chio!)
SITUATION (Ace of Pentacles)
A powerful window of opportunity appears upon this Biden victory. The Ace of pentacles appears when there’s a new financial or career opportunity, asset/monetary manifestation, abundance. The divine signals to us new beginnings that correlate to the material world: finances, wealth, career, physical health and manifestation of goals. Chances are good that with some informed, long term investing, or putting in your money into a financial goal for the long run, chances are high that it will come to fruition with prosperity and abundance. (Again…don’t say boh chio!!)
OBSTACLE (Four of Pentacles)
While it seems there is this feeling of hope and purpose in the air, we can expect investor sentiments will be cautious and conservative overall. Investors will be selective and careful in light of the coming winter months, with it impacting the ongoing surges and its related lockdowns in various parts of the World. Economically at large, we are still in the doldrums and no surprise, most are saving their pennies or being really careful with it. The card is a minor card however, and the sentiments while there will be somewhat minute in its gravity of it all.
HOW IT UNFOLDS (Six of Cups)
It would feel good and wonderful sitting over a glass of fine wine and looking out beyond a scenic ocean view doesn’t it? Just visualise it…That’s the sensing I get as to how the financial markets will unfold over the next one month. It is a sense of calm, and emotions within are carefree and joyful. That said, don’t expect a tremendous bull market rally because as mentioned, there exists a looming covid situation at hand, and with Biden’s victory, comes with the ongoing transition of the Trump administration which will no doubt take time with a lot of crap to handle. Investor confidence and sentiments will still remain on a watch and see mode, and we can expect it to be on a more conservative side. That said, we can expect overall market sentiments in the month ahead to have a ‘uplifting’ atmosphere to it.
OUTCOME (Four of Swords)
Nothing too exciting overall for the month ahead…aside to perhaps certain segments…One can expect markets will probably experience a time of contemplation & recuperation in November thru December. It’s almost like a ‘wait & see what happens' mode, where most are holding back till herd mentality unleashes once again. Also, not forgetting the upcoming Christmas period at hand, and where most are preparing to wind down for the end of the year. The Four of Swords also indicates the reason for the cautious stance due to the ongoing covid situation, and seeing, and waiting, for signs of more positive economic momentum and ‘recovery’.
Summary of Elements combined Air+Earth+Earth+Water+Air
Expect market momentum to be relatively stable with some positive momentum & trajectory(slight dips here & there) in the 3rd to 4th week of November…tapering off a little after closer to end of December.