Not sure if you’ve felt the same way, but October had an optimistic vibration in general as forecasted. What with many travel bubbles popping out (pun intended), cruises to nowhere resuming, the government announcing a possible Phase 3 by the end of the year, increased job creation in various sectors, property prices and demand rising despite this pandemic at hand, SIA selling out their dining experiences and much more. But as they say, what goes up must go down, and this reading for upcoming November gives us a clue as to what unfolds.
OUTLOOK (The Devil)
With the appearance of the Devil, it reminds us of the greater shadows and negative forces at hand. This represents what’s still going on with the World, and with Singapore connected to it. The Devil tells us the unstoppable peril of the ongoing pandemic still looming, with cases seeing a surge in Spain, Malaysia, USA etc. This uncontrollable bondage to the virus, as if pulling Singapore along tied to the strings of a puppet, with little avenue to break free, speaks of our dependance of the World at hand. Like it not, intuition tells me to expect to hear or see news of new cases, clusters or anything else related to this aspect impacting the economy, finance, livelihoods.
SITUATION (Seven of Swords)
With The Devil that appeared, what we will see manifest in November are events or news within Singapore ‘trying to escape from a situation’. This is either by choice or not. The good news is that this is done strategically and with the stealth and cunning in decision making in quickly evading a certain situation unfolding. Could this be something to do with new cases or covid clusters to unfold? Or could this be an economic related action or decision related to the ongoing pandemic at hand? The card does not tell and we will have to await when it unfolds. (Sucks..I know but thank goodness this is a minor card so it will be a blip rather than a catastrophe)
OBSTACLE (Nine of Wands)
The connection of all the previous cards drawn so far leads to the obstacle at hand. The Nine of Wands tells us that while Singapore is charging forth with many initiatives and plans at hand to invigorate its economy and all its related activities…this inspired action is faced with a blockage this upcoming November. It will be a case of ‘so close yet so far’, whereby some initial plans/actions may not come to fruition, or to expect a delay in certain decisions or actions that were planned to unfold but won’t. At least not immediately. Will this impact the initial envisioning of Phase 3 we wonder? While I hope not, it remains to be seen.
WHAT UNFOLDS (Queen of Pentacles — reversed)
Intuition once again tells me that our very foundations, or home, Singapore, is in need to be paid attention to & attended to, and to be taken care of. The Queen of Pentacles appears to suggest that the focus may be shifted from one that’s charging forth with nurturing our partnerships and relationships with the World, not by choice of course, to one that will need for Singapore to shift its external focus & drive to shift to take care of its own backyard in November. Expect to see events or news in relation to cover material aspects of life including work, business, health, trade, property, money and other material possessions as represented by the Pentacle.
OUTCOME (Page of Cups — reversed)
Overall, Singapore in November sees us feeling a little sullen, with a tinge of resignation in the air. It feels like a ‘here we go again’ moment where coming out from a positive, action packed and bright October, leads into a situation where these renewed inspired actions and positivity are being blocked. Good news is…only momentarily. Hence, With the Page of Cups, Singapore in November could bring us some news that might make us feel stuck, or with us momentarily shrugging, palms up in the air, and feeling…”what is it now?” As with all such moments like these, trust that it shall pass.