(Numerology Year 3 transiting into Year 4)
Supplementary reading for those interested…(You’ll realise the December Tarot Read & The Astrological Charts are VERY ALIGNED)
Transiting Pluto in square with natal Mars
Nov 16, 2019 to Jan 28, 2021, Jan 22, 2020
Your sense of assertion and your goal-directed activity will be subject to drastic changes at this time, for the purpose of bringing to light the inner workings of repressed impulses you may have in these areas. The life factors of outward-directed activity, assertiveness and also animal passion are now subject to transformation. The changes forced upon you at this time can be difficult and painful. This is a stressful time which is ultimately productive of far-reaching reorganization, as you feel yourself directly challenged by inner processes that seem about to overwhelm your ego. Compulsive or control-oriented behavior that normally lies beneath the surface of your conscious awareness may come up for you right now.
Transiting Neptune in trine with natal Neptune
Sep 22, 2020 to Feb 1, 2021, no exact
Feelings of confusion may also come up for you during this transit, while the sextile or trine of transiting Neptune to its natal position is in effect. At this time, you are in the process of far-reaching re-evaluations. It can be a confusing time, as illusions and self-concepts, which may be the very motivating factors by which you live, are called into question and a new basis for re-imaging the fundamental concepts of your life may be emerging. Your imagination is very active now, for Neptune is the planet of image and illusion. You must be sure to weigh carefully any unsettling concepts that come up for you at this time, for although they speak a new truth to you, they may also exaggerate either the up side or the down side during this period. It is better to wait out the growing maturity of these new concepts, rather than acting rashly in being quick to make changes in your life at this time.
Transiting Mars in trine with natal Sun
Oct 22, 2020 to Dec 7, 2020
You feel full of the zest for life. Your will may be quite strong these days. You may have so much sheer energy at your disposal that you need to work it off for this brief period of time. This abundant energy comes into your conscious awareness, and you are very impatient to just get on with it, to just get things done. There can be great progress toward your goals during this period of time.
Transiting Mars in opposition with natal Midheaven
Nov 24, 2020 to Dec 12, 2020, Dec 5, 2020
This transit affects public life, including work, finance and career, as well as ego assertion, and the authority figures within. Your physical vitality is also affected somewhat, and your attitude to progressing in general. The warlike energy of Mars comes into your personality as a result of this transit, and you may be more subjected to conflicting vibrations or uncontrollable situations.
Transiting Mars in opposition with natal Mars
Dec 16, 2020 to Dec 26, 2020, Dec 21, 2020
Your aggressive urge is primed for action at this time, and you may experience conflicts or with any obstacles that get in your way. You also want to watch out for accidents during this brief period of time. You are like a charging bull during the week or so of this transit, and everybody had better be prepared to leap out of the way of your way since you have the will to succeed at any cost! This transit stimulates your outward-directed activity, assertiveness and also pure passion.
Transiting Mars in trine with natal Mercury
Dec 28, 2020 to Jan 6, 2021, Jan 2, 2021
Your life will be energized and ego issues brought to bear on them during the relatively brief period of time this transit is in effect. You have an unusually forceful and strong-willed stance in your communication with others at this time. It is a good time for trying to get your ideas across or a plan in motion when other people need to be convinced. This is also great time for engaging in a research project, or other primarily intellectual endeavor. Greater energy is also available for friends or perhaps for thinking about future plans.