“I dreamt of you this morning…It felt as if I really met u!” A Dream Interpretation.
“Wah I dreamt of you this morning…It felt as if I really met u sia!”
A notification came through the WhatsApp, and the above message, exuding excitable and spirited vibes was seen. Following up…A few more incoming message threads went on to lucidly describe the dream at hand. Amused…and those who know me well enough and dark sense of humour, I went on to reply with: “I’m just glad it was not a wet dream.”
Firstly, I’m truly honoured to be part of anyone’s lucid dream. As always, with no real names mentioned, let’s call the person “Kobe”. So apparently Kobe went on to tell me the details and why of course…How can you resist not asking the Universe & channel all its divine wisdom to help decipher Kobe’s dream? Especially since I’m in it? (And by the way…in case you’re wondering…Kobe is not an ex-lover, and neither do we have any past carnal connections. And also important to note, Kobe rarely dreams and if Kobe does, hardly remembers it. LOL. Here’s Kobe’s dream.
“Wah I dreamt of u this morning sia…You were guiding me at work in my home. We were doing some shit using the computer in my room. We then came out to living room we walking side by side, then u turned to talk to me, and handed me $10…but hidden below the $10 note was a good luck charm of some kind. You even had that insistent look on your face suggesting strongly I take it without refusal. All these was done while walking to the back of my kitchen(toilet area), where then you turned to face my Mum, whom was outside the toilet, and handed a similar $10 with a ‘hidden charm’ to her as well.” Wtf.
CAUSE OF DREAM (The Queen of Pentacles)
What is currently primed under the spotlight for Kobe is the desire to take care of the family and domestic responsibilities while also making a living for yourself and creating financial abundance. With it, Kobe’s subconscious realms within the mind manifests this drive and lingering thought vividly in the form of the dream. The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing one who creates abundance for the benefit of those around her, and perhaps due to Kobe’s current strive to create a warm and secure environment for your family and loved ones, thus causing it to play out while asleep. The Queen of Pentacles suggests that this lingering strong desire for better foundations, perhaps a more stable income, or better prospects at work or business, while balancing it with enough time and space to also nurture your loved ones, is not just currently in action, but also actively in your subconscious.
IMPACT ON YOU (Ace of Swords)
There is in Kobe’s awaken reality, some form of powerful new mental clarity, inspired thought, breakthroughs or new ideas towards greater success. Linked closely to Kobe’s desire to seek better foundations and prospects, The Ace of Swords opens the brand new path, an energetic one, from the intellectual realms. Kobe may be on the verge of a significant breakthrough or a new idea or clarity that allows you to view your current world in new perspectives. This may be in form of a sudden renewed realisation or conscious understanding about what has been troubling you and Kobe can finally navigate confidently the path ahead. When the Ace of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it represents now is an excellent time to start a new endeavour — one that requires your intellect, communication skills and mental power.
Congrats Kobe! I know you’re reading this and I’m overjoyed the Empress shows up for you. The Empress wants to relate to you now that whatever you may choose to embark on, abundance, growth, beautiful new beginnings are upon you. This is a major card in the Tarot deck and what it signifies it is a powerful time for growth and all you have dreamed/envisioned of is coming or will come to fruition. The Empress can also suggest pregnancy or birth. In this case, it is a metaphorical ‘birth’ of a new idea or project. Time to bring your creative ideas into reality by nurturing them and continue to persevere to ‘beatify’ their growth. Their growth is your growth as well.
The Nine of Wands comes as a sign that even in the face of adversity, you stand tall and strong. It wants to affirm to you that you are resilient, persistent, and ready to do what it takes to get to the finish line. Go fight on! This card may also while there are instances where you feel defeated, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. The Nine of Wands asks you to trust that this is simply a test of building your ‘grit’ and resilience, and whenever you overcome an obstacle, you are building ‘muscle’ and getting stronger. Kobe…view this as an assurance that you will eventually prosper if you maintain your position. So keep pushing, the finishing line is close, and don’t let nay-sayers bring you down.
So Kobe…”Follow your Dreams…They know the way.”