(From 9 August 2020 to 9 August 2021)
Strong Fire + Earth Element
Indicates rapid movement, inspired action and particularly vested in practical matters. Fire ‘burns + scorches’ Earth indicating calamity, disasters, or a period of negative vibrations, however Earth after being scorched, becomes more fertile and nourished. Overall keywords here are: “Transformation, Rebirth, Crisis Management, Action, Foundations, Practical matters(i.e. finances, home, jobs).”
Sun in Leo (16° Leo 33' 16")
Sun in the Fourth House
The Sun placed in the Fourth House, the emphasis is on your home life and on new beginnings for your soul. Over the course of this year-long period, Singapore will likely feel a dominant urge to establish a safe haven for herself. There is also likely to be a great deal of activity in domestic affairs takes on added significance. This could be a year for an important resolution or reassessment of internal dynamics that have been operating less than ideally. The fourth house is associated with endings and there could be the conclusion of an important matter in your path this year that proves to be the catalyst towards true emotional transformation. This is a year of internal rather than external achievement.
Moon in Aries (13° Ari 27' 46")
Moon in the Twelfth House
The Moon in your Solar Return chart indicates an area of emotional intensity and challenge, which is also part of a process of purposeful evolution. There is progress from year to year, so that this year’s placement builds on earlier ones. Over the course of this year, Singapore could be feeling lost or lonely, guarded or fearful. Your sensitivity is high. You’re like a sponge, soaking up the influence of everything in your environment. You may want to appear strong for the sake of others and only allow yourself to fall apart in the dark. The positive side to this year is that you are so in touch with your emotions you could be primed for an important psychological breakthrough. You are divinely inspired this year through your heightened instincts and awareness, and when you can make the most of it your creativity and imagination will soar.
Mercury in Leo (6° Leo 54')
Mercury in the Fourth House
Mercury in your Solar Return chart indicates an area of mental intensity and focus over this twelve-month period until your next birthday. With Mercury in the Fourth House, your mind is preoccupied with the past. Over the course of this year-long period of time, domestic matters is on your mind. You be spending a great deal of time on important decisions in this area. Communication in all forms, both verbal and written, could revolve around home and family life with them. Security issues could also weigh heavily on your mind this year. Emotional security through the internal nucleus is an important focus, possibly including considerations of financial security for generations to come. Decisions might also be made during this year concerning your physical home or your living arrangements within it.
Venus in Cancer (0° Can 57')
Venus in the Third House
With Venus in the Third House, this year is a favorable one for all types of communication endeavors. During this period, you have a pleasing ability to express yourself in a variety of ways. Writing, learning and speaking activities will all be pleasurable and likely to be met with success. There is definitely the potential for you to increase your finances through communication endeavors and contacts.
You are a fine mediator at this time and will easily collaborate with others in matters of collecting information or improving relationships.
Mars in Aries (21° Ari 24')
Mars in the Twelfth House
With Mars in the Twelfth House, your energy seems to go into hiding this year. You may have less vitality than usual but you will certainly be driven to action in a less spotlighted way.
Your energy is introspective and you’ll succeed at projects that require reflection, meditation and the ability to work alone. You can achieve a great deal of work on a top secret or creative project. And this year, your energy to dream is never-ending.
Jupiter in Capricorn (19° Cap 19'R)
Jupiter in the Ninth House
With Jupiter placed in the Ninth House this year, the emphasis is on expansion of your point of view through travel, or through explorations of spirituality and higher mind pursuits. This could be an exciting year as you expand your awareness in the most far-reaching ways possible. There is the distinct possibility that you could get into some form of teaching or ‘lessons’ over this year-long period. It is likely for you to achieve an extraordinary sense of enlightenment as you open your mind to the myriad potentials of thought and experience in this way. Also, since your opinions are likely to be strong over these twelve months, you may find that you have the habit of making extreme or even dogmatic statements at times. Ethical issues could also arise (Parti Liyani case in point). You might encounter questions regarding legal affairs or what is the right practice for you in pursuing your area of interest.
Saturn in Capricorn (27° Cap 18'R)
Saturn in the Tenth House
With Saturn placed in the Tenth House this year, there will likely be some severe wake up calls in terms of your profession and reputation. Wake up calls can be a good thing. You will need to confront some fears about your old ways of working and sunsetting vocation if you’re not working in the field you are meant to be in. If this is the case, you may feel so burdened that there could be little alternative except to break free. If you do begin a new career path under this influence, don’t expect instant success. In fact, it’s more probable that the coming year will be one of hard work and foundation building.
Uranus in Taurus (10° Tau 40')
Uranus in the First House
With Uranus placed in the first house this year, the emphasis for unexpected change is on your basic character and identity. You will likely reinvent yourself in several different ways over the course of this year-long period. You have the strong potential for a dramatic reorientation to occur in your life over the next year thanks to a dominating sense of restlessness in terms of the way things have been. You’ll yearn to shake up your external and internal world. This might begin with a change in your physical appearance. Whether it’s new construction projects, infrastructural facelifts, new economic initiatives…you won’t look like the same person after this year is passed. The only way to determine whether or not changes are positive is to have the courage to revolutionise in the first place. This year, you have no qualms about transformation.
Neptune in Pisces (20° Pis 25'R)
Neptune in the Eleventh House
With Neptune placed in the eleventh house of your Solar Return chart over this twelve-month period leading up to your next birthday there is a spiritual emphasis on discovering your most inspired goals and on your connection to humanity in general. This is a year when you are extremely idealistic regarding your approach to life and to the group affiliations reflecting your basic worldview. Other countries might exert a strong influence over your decisions this year. This can be a good thing when they are on your wavelength, but in some cases could lead to misconceived notions or even to outright deception on the part of those who you thought were your friends. There might be an element of selfishness on their part that allowed them to take advantage of your compassionate nature. This could be a year when you will be forced to reevaluate existing friendships. The potential for your dreams to take shape and become better defined is assured, although it might take until the end of the year-long period to discover their bolder outlines.
Pluto in Capricorn (23° Cap 11'R)
Pluto in the Ninth House
With Pluto placed in the ninth house of your Solar Return chart, over the twelve-month period leading to your next birthday there is an emphasis on transformation and regeneration of your belief system and ideals. This is a year when your belief systems could change. In the process certain beliefs and philosophies that have been an integral part of your life could radically alter. There are implications for the way that you function if you are part of an academic setting. This might be a year when you change majors or opt to go omni-directional. Your higher mind and your spiritual powers are acute this year. In any event, the rebirth of some aspect of your higher mind is at hand and this year promises to be one in which you more fully embrace the power of your intellect.
Chiron in Aries (9° Ari 07'R)
Chiron in the Twelfth House
With Chiron placed in the Twelfth House this year, the healing emphasis is on issues of spirituality and inner work. With this placement of Chiron in your Solar Return chart, over the course of this year-long period, you might have issues that come up for you regarding your connection to your inner world. This is a subtle energy, and not easily understood. It might be that you have been neglecting the unconscious part of your psyche for far too long, and if so this year’s events will conspire to make you sit up and pay attention. There could be places within you that have been walled away and neglected consciously because they are too painful to face, or at least they have been so up until now. These might be up for greater recognition over the course of this year-long period. Events that allow you to see where your patterns of wounding come up could be fairly common this year, and this is also a year when, as opposed to outer events simply triggering you, it is more likely that internal reflection will give you the vital clues that you need to become more aware. You might be able to tune in to patterns and habitual behavior that you recognize with greater clarity than ever before, or feel in more subtle ways where your actions do not produce the results that in the end you truly want.